The essence of rheumatoid arthritis
Treat arthritis Thanks buy Celebrex online Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic disease of connective tissue with a preferential lesion of peripheral joints by type of erosive-destructive arthritis [1989). It occupies one of the top places in several rheumatic diseases. The “severity of the clinical picture and its consequences is unparalleled among other types of arthritis.”
According to strict criteria, the prevalence of “certain,” i.e., undeniable RA, is close to 1%, and with the “probable,” it reaches 2.5% in males and 5.2% in women [Barnes, 1990]. In general, women are ill in 3 – 5, and according to some data – 9 times more often. Maximum morbidity falls in the fifth decade.
At present, Celebrex, the significant importance in the development, is given to the hereditary factor. As it is known, the nearest relatives of patients have a higher frequency of RA and a more significant annual increase in new cases than the general population. [1983; Hollander, Lee, 1965; Benn, Wood, 1972]. In the same vein, more frequent detections of HLA antigens – DR4 and Dh4 [Treves, 1986; Gran, 1987]. The question of the involvement infection, presumably viral, has not been definitively removed, although only circumstantial evidence is available. It is breaking the synthesis of Immunoglobulins. According to Barnes [1990], to Ra, apparently, people with inborn inferiority immunoregulation. The reflection of which can be elevated detection antigens of loci DR and D. It is not excluded that the direct trigger factor. The disease is an infectious agent that has not yet.
According to modern representations, at the basis of the pathogenesis of Ra lie more precisely autoimmune reactions, the main bridgehead of which are joint formation: synovial membrane, synovial fluid, and articular cartilage.
1. The similarity of histological changes of the affected tissues with manifestations of immune (sterile) inflammation;
2. Failure of antimicrobial therapy, and vice versa, rheumatoid arthritis convincing effect of means and methods influencing the immune system;
3. Presence in the blood of most patients of the so-called factor (RF). As a matter of fact, due to his discovery of RA, he was included in immunological problems [Rose, 1940].
Briefly, the chain of pathological disorders under RA can as follows:
Pathogenesis of RA. EF RA (?) Transformation of IgG (more precisely its Fe-fragment) in production ß-lymphocytes and plasma cells of the synovial membrane I. G-so-called rheumatoid factors synovial tissue increased activity mediators inflammation. Insight microvascular. Phagocytosis damage lysosomes leukocytes, and macrophages release lysosomal. Enzymes damage cellular structures forming new chain reactions.