Privacy policy
Privacy policy Currently, we offer a worldwide service with two delivery options:
1.AirMail ($ 10). Shipping takes 2-3 weeks.
2. EMS Express delivery x ($ 20). Delivery takes up to 8 working days.
The package may also be delivered earlier. All products on our site are available to be sent to you immediately.
Our goal is to process all orders within 24 hours of receipt. We will do our utmost to pack and ship the order as soon as possible. You will receive an automatic e-mail notification as soon as your order is approved. We will do our best to deliver on time. If there is a problem with the delivery of your order, be sure that we will do our best to solve the problem. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Return policy
If, for some reason, you are not satisfied with the product you have purchased from our customer support team.
If the product was received damaged or defective or the company delivered the wrong product, we will resend your order for free. We are sorry, but we do not accept the return of products. Prohibited drugs back on international rules.
Confidentiality at
The legal and regulatory framework for protecting personal data is of the Constitution norms, the law “On Personal Data” decree “On the list of confidential information” and other acts.
1. The Service does not require any personal data except for the most necessary for providing services, maintenance, and user authentication.
2. Administration Service can provide information about the IP-address of computer users. They have the type and version of the browser and operating system to generate statistics about the visitor’s Service.
3. Service is committed to protecting the personal information that the user provides.
4. The Service will maintain the confidentiality of each user’s data and not passed on to third parties. Any personal data transmitted to the Service during the registration process by this privacy policy.
5. Service may use personal information provided by users for the following purposes:
form and pay the bills
liaise with the user
provide services and technical support
warn you about new services and service offerings
send you information about Subscription
6. You understand and agree that any information for publication in the pages of the Service. And published in the pages of the Service with the consent of the user becomes public. Consent to the publication of information, the user confirms the relevant information when filling out the form at the Service.
7. The user is warned and agrees that the letters sent to the administration of customer service become the Service owner’s property.
About Privacy policy
Welcome to the worldwide Internet drugstore!
Our pharmacy is the leader in the provision of medicines worldwide. Our goal is to provide drugs at discount rates on all those affected by high local prices. Our company is a professionally managed generic drugs distributor. We provide quality service supplying drugs all over the world. We aim to give customers worldwide with high-quality medications at the lowest prices, thus saving time and money. The most crucial element of any successful company is a high-quality product. That’s why we pay attention to the quality of medicines. We are dealing with the most reliable and professional manufactures and all drugs dispensed by licensed pharmacists.
We value each of our clients, so our site meets the most stringent security and privacy standards for e-commerce and personal information. We guarantee that you can trust us. We try to make our Service fast, cheap, and convenient as we value long-term relationships. You can order the product very quickly and easily. You can apply by filling it online. It is the easiest way for people who prefer the convenience of online ordering. Our delivery service will provide you with your order as soon as possible! Our customer service is open to all and requires no registration. We are happy to help you! From the pharmacy with caution!